all the files on the website
This is a raw site map, listing all articles. It is not frequently updated. Please go to the CONTENTS section of the site for a more useful categorised lists of articles, and descriptions.
The summaries of all the articles are accessed on the contents page. They will give you a short description of each article, unlike this page which is merely a list of titles. in addition, the media on the website is not listed here, but only on the media pages, such as video, audio, books and music.
Home Page
- About Index Page
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Summary Pages of All Articles
- Alpha Articles Summary
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- Apostles Articles Summary
- Archives Summary
- Background History & Info Summary
- Biblical & Devotional Articles Summary
- Brownsville Revival Summary
- Church Articles Summary
- Demonology Articles Summary
- Spiritual Gifts & Manifestations Summary
- Globalism & Ecumenism Summary
- Spiritual Growth Summary
- Heresies & Cults Summary
- Kansas City Prophets & IHOP Summary
- Latter Rain Articles Summary
- Miscellaneous Subjects Summary
- Manifested Sons of God Articles Summary
- Promise Keepers Archive Summary
- Prophets Articles Summary
- Restoration Articles Summary
- Revival Topics Summary
- Toronto Blessing and Similar Articles Summary
- Testimonies Summary
- Spiritual Warfare Articles Summary
- Word of Faith Articles Summary
Apostasy Articles
- The Transforming Church: Part One of a ten-part series on the churches of today.
- The Transforming Church: Contents
- The Transforming Church: G12 Testimony Number One
- The Transforming Church: G12 Cell Church Testimony Two
- Allegorical Interpretation of the Bible, by Tricia Tillin
- IHOP:The Harp and Bowl 24-hour prayer initiative of Mike Bickle
- Top Secret: Apotheosis - Brainwashing Manual for Research
- The Prayer of Jabez
- Jethro Leadership Model
- The Jesus Seminar: A Brief Rebuttal
- The Covert Strategies of the False Revival: Mind Control Part One
- The Covert Strategies of the False Revival: Mind Control Part Two
- The Covert Strategies of the False Revival: Mind Control Part Three
- Undersanding the New Gnosticism
- Can There be Revival without Repentance? by Lynn and Sarah Leslie
- Tonny Tenney & "The God Chasers" (Part One) by Mike R. Taylor
- Tommy Tenney & "The God Chasers" (Part Two) by Mike R. Taylor
- Tonny Tenney & "The God Chasers" (Part Three) by Mike R. Taylor
- Tonny Tenney & "The God Chasers" (Part Four) by Mike R. Taylor
Brownsville, Pensacola Archives
- Michael Brown's address on leaving Brownsville
- Pensacola News Journal expose: "The Money and the Myths" 1997
- Brownsville and Latter-Rain Deception by Rev. Ron Stringfellow of Medina Valley AoG
- I Experienced the "Pensacola Outpouring" and Came Home Crying by Shawn Paul Sauve
- Major Rift Emerges at Heart of Brownsville Revival by Andy Butcher
- Over Our Heads in the River By Stephen Pratel (Part One)
- Over Our Heads in the River By Stephen Pratel (Part Two)
- Brownsville's Response to the Pensacola Journal News Report, by Paul Sutliff (PDF)
- "The Brownsville Revival" By Pastor Larry Thomas TORONTO REVISITED
- Brownsville Revival Report by the Pensacola News Journal (Nov 1997)
- Brownsville - Toronto or Not? (Part One of Two) by A. Strom 1996
- Brownsville - Toronto or Not? (Part Two of Two) by A. Strom 1996
The Church
Biblical & Devotional Studies
- Are You Mad at God? By David Wilkerson
- Be Perfect by Tricia Tillin (PDF) and audio link
- Can A Christian Be Affected By A Curse? By Mark Greenwood
- Demon Possession and the Christian by C. Fred Dickason - Part One
- Demon Possession and the Christian by C. Fred Dickason - Part Two
- Demon Possession and the Christian by C. Fred Dickason - Part Three
- Your Own Personal Solar Eclipse by Tricia Tillin
- Counterfeit Spiritual Gifts: A Testimony of Deception
- In His Name - False or True Anointing, by Tricia Tillin
- The Church Outside The Camp, Part One - by Tricia Tillin
- The Church Outside The Camp, Part Two - by Tricia Tillin
- Be perfect! A Call to Christian Maturity by Tricia Tillin (Part One of Four)
- The Reproach of the Solemn Assembly, by David Wilkerson
- They Want Your Mind: Practical Guidance on Discerning Spiritual Error
- Can A Christian Have a Demon? by Chris Simpson
- The Thorny Problem: Can a Believer be Demonised? by Tricia Tillin
- A Friendly Discussion on the Topic: Can A Christian Have a Demon?
- The Ministry of the Apostle in the Early Church
- The Apostles Are Coming to Your City, Ready or Not - by Orrel Steinkamp of Plumbline
- The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation by Bob DeWaay
- Who Is The Foundation of the Church? by Philip L. Powell
- The New Apostolic Reformation - compiled by Tricia Tillin
- The World Christian Movement by Al Dager of Media Spotlight (In Four Parts)
Kansas City Prophets & IHOP
- Ernie Gruen: Aberrant Practises (PDF)
- DoWeKeepSmilingAndSayNothing-ErnieGruenJan201990.mp3
- Did Ernie Gruen Recant His Aberrant Practices Document - by Craig (CrossWise Blog)
- Did Ernie Gruen Recant His Aberrant Practices Document (2)- by Craig (CrossWise Blog)
- Kansas City Prophets and the Vineyard; a report written by CRI staff writers
- Kansas City Prophets Exposed: Ernie Gruen's Report 'Aberrant Practices'
- An Open Letter to Floyd McClung and the MCF Pastoral Staff
- Vintage Metro: My Eight Years with the Kansas City Prophets (four parts)
- The Kansas City Prophets Saga Continues: A report by PFO (1991)
- Kansas City Prophets: The Roots of the Revival, by Tricia Tillin
- KCP "Vintage-Metro" (PDF)
- Old Wine in New Wineskins: A Look at the Kansas City Prophets
- Lance of the Basilisk : The Mystical World of Bob Jones
- Mike Bickle, IHOP and the Latter Rain By Bob DeWaay
- The Chicago Campaign William Branham.flv
- Micellaneous Media Page
- Amateur Music by Tricia Tillin - a history of the renewal in song!
- Photos
- Research Books, Papers, Audio and more
- Videos
Miscellaneous Topics
- The Alpha Course, by Chris Hand
- Unholy Alliance: The Spiritual Battle for Europe from "Light for The Last Days" newsletter of Tony Pearce, Winter 1998/99
- Free Gift on the Cross+Word Website
- The Sound Of Music: The Use and Abuse of Music - an article in two parts by Tricia Tillin
- The Revelation of the Coming(Margaret Macdonald's Revelation)
- From Pillar to Post: The Church Turning To Ritualism? by Tricia Tillin
- Darkfield Microscopy: Science or Sorcery? by Lynn & Sarah Leslie
- Norwegian Vision of World War (1968)
Banner Ministries "Mainstream" Newsletter Archives
- Mainstream Special Report: Paul Cain preaches Ishmael and Isaac
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1994 Part 1 (False Spirit of Love)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1994 Part 2 (Testing Evangelism/Jay Gary)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1994 Part 3 (Spiritual Warfare/Global Ethic)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1994 Part 4 (Supplement)
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1995 Birth of the Manchild
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1995 (Various Topics)
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1996 Part 1
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1996 Part 2 (Valentine's Day)
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1996 Part 3 (Promise Keepers)
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1996 Part 4 (The Church)
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1996 Part 5 (news)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1994 (Rodney Howard Browne + Ecumenism)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1994 (Rodney Howard Browne + Ecumenism)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1995 (Reconciliation)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1995 (Reconciliation)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1996 Part 1 (Storms Coming/Church)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1996 Part 2 (Alpha Course)
- Mainstream Archive: Summer 1996 Part 3 (UN World Religion Plan)
- Mainstream Archive: Autumn/Winter 1995 Part 1 (Accusations)
- Mainstream Archive: Autumn/Winter 1995 - Promise Keepers
- Mainstream Archive: Autumn/Winter 1995 - UK supplement
- Mainstream Archive: Autumn/Winter 1996 (Crossroads)
- Mainstream Archive: Autumn/Winter 1996 Part 2 (Celtic Spirituality)
- Mainstream Archive: Autumn/Winter 1996 Part 3 (Editorial)
- Mainstream Archive: Winter 1994 (Toronto Militancy)
- Mainstream Archive: Winter 1994 (Toronto Militancy)
- Summary of all Old Mainstream Newsletters
- "Teachers and Teachings of Latter Rain Exposed" by Steve Montgomery about the Latter Rain (PDF)
- "Web of Deception" by Donna M. Shuck about Endtime Handmaidens and GwenShaw (PDF)
- "Out of the Pan and Into the Fire" (About 'The Walk' cult)
- "Out of the Pan and Into the Fire" (Introduction)
News & Documents Archives
News Flash Archives
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash Archives
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- News Flash on the Cross+Word website
- News Flash on the Cross+Word website
- News Flash on the Cross+Word website
- News Flash on the Cross+Word website
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash Archive 2
- News Flash on the Cross+Word website
- News Flash on the Cross+Word website
- News Flash on the Cross+Word website
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash Archive 3
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash Archives 4
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: News Flash - latest reports!
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource:
- News Flash Extra on the Cross+Word website- report on WhiteDoves Conference
Old Documents
- Church News: Anglican-Catholic Unity and Gay Bishops
- Banner Ministries: Crossroads Assemblies Report
- Banner Ministries Special: Why no more "Mainstream"?
- Banner Ministries - News Flash
- Prophecy given by David Noakes at Moriel Conference 'New Beginnings' Nov 1997.
- Clark Pinnock Document (zipped)
- Latest News: PK Developments
Old News Items
Promise Keepers Archive
- An Open Letter to Bill McCartney From Pastor Bill Randles Believers In Grace Fellowship
- PROMISE KEEPERS! Should Fundamentalists Get Involved? Compiled by Miguel Betancourt II
- Promise Keepers Archives: The Seven False Premises By Jack Stephens
- Promise Keepers: A Militant Unity? By Ed Tarkowski and Sarah Leslie
- What Do These Men Really Mean by Unity? by Carl Widrig, Book Review of 'The Awesome Power of Shared Beliefs' by Glenn Wagner
- Are You Really a Promise Keeper? (An open letter from Mitchell V. Casler)
- PROMISE KEEPERS: Important Developments (Unity with Roman Catholics)
- PK Plan for the Church Revealed by Bill McCartney, reported by Al Dager
- PROMISE KEEPERS and the Rising Tide of Ecumenism by Gil Rugh
- Promise Keepers and the Men's Movement RESURRECTING PAGAN RITES (One of Three)
- PK Resolution Passed at the Independent Baptist Fellowship in Seattle, June 1995
- Promise Keepers - Is What You See What You Get? By Al Dager 1994
Restoration, Shepherding & Latter Rain Issues
- Charismatic Renewal in Britain (PDF)
- Charismatic History (PDF)
- Anointing or Apostasy [another version] by Charles Graves (PDF)
- Anointing or Apostasy: The Latter Rain Legacy by Charles Graves (PDF)
- "Doctrine of Demons" series compiled into a PDF
- Keepers of the Keys: Gatekeeper Teaching examined by Tricia Tillin
- Keepers of the Keys: Gatekeeper Teaching (Part Two)
- Keepers of the Keys: Gatekeeper Teaching (Part Three)
- Whatever Happened to George Tarleton? (Audio)
- Cross+Word Article exploring What Happened to George Tarleton?
- Doctrine of Demons: The Endtimes Sealing and Glory - an 11-part research article by Tricia Tillin
- Doctrine of Demons: Appendices
- Doctrine of Demons: Appendix Two
- Doctrine of Demons: Contents Page
- Kingdom Theology by Al Dager (One of Three parts)
- Last Days Leaven: Latter Rain Heresies (One of Four parts)
- A Second Pentecost? by Orrel Steinkamp
- The New Thing: An Article by Tricia Tillin - Historical Roots of the Revival (Four Parts + Notes)
- The New Thing: Entire Series - Historical Roots of the Revival (PDF)
- The New Thing: Contents List and Download Page
- The New Thing: Appendices and Footnotes
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: The Overshadowing - Part One of Two
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource: The Overshadowing - Part Two of Two
- The Restoration Movement - A three-part Examination of Kingdom-Dominion Doctrine by Tricia Tillin
- Bread And Games: Reflections on the British Church by Tricia Tillin. Part One of Three
- The Roots of Shepherding by D. Vinzant
- Baltimore Stake-Out: Gatekeeper Rituals and Spiritual Warfare
- TEN REASONS: To Reject Kingdom Dominion Doctrine - by Tricia Tillin
Toronto Blessing and other Revival Issues
- Toronto Blessing Archives: Accusers of the Brethren by Debra Bouey (Part One of Four)
- The Source and Goal of the Second Pentecost, about revival, by Tricia Tillin
- Emma's Story: One Family Affected by Deceiving Spirits
- Was Jonathan Edwards the Father of the Toronto Movement? by Nick Needham, Welling, Kent (Four Parts)
- Cross+Word Toronto Blessing Archive: The Experience Controversy
- Spiritual Alchemy - Gold Dust/Gold Teeth
- Gold Dust Scam; the story of Silvania Machado
- zipped file of short video with Silvania Machado and Ruth Heflin manifesting "gold dust"
- A History of the Awakening by Richard Riss
- "The Early Years of the Tongues Movement" by G. H. Lang, written circa 1950 (Three Parts)
- The Toronto Blessing: Is it of God? by Tricia Tillin
- The Toronto Blessing: Look Before You Laugh, by Gino Geraci
- Mainstream Archive: Spring 1995 - The Manchild
- Gold Miracles also Happening at Marian Sites!
- Toronto Blessing: One Fish That Jumped Out of the River, Matthew's Testimony
- Matthew Eighteen - A Viable Contention? by Debra Bouey
- The Revival Without Repentence; a Toronto Testimony by Mark Greenwood
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource:The Faulty Reasoning of the Revivalists
- CROSS+WORD Christian Resource:The Faulty Reasoning of the Revivalists (2)
- Toronto Blessing: Rodney Howard Browne, a critical examination
- Rodney Hooward Browne in New York
- Toronto Blessing: Testimony of a visit to Ken Gott's Church at Sunderland.
- Deliverance from the Toronto Blessing, by David Husband
- My Experiences with the Vineyard, by Rick Friedrich of Michigan
- One-Page Mainstream reprint with scriptures teaching how to discern error (PDF)
- The Toronto Blessing: Instrument of Deception? (Four Parts)
- A Memoir of The Vineyard, by Cheryl Thompson
- A Vineyard Experience: a report on the Toronto Blessing by Revd. Gordon Williams
- Rodney Howard Browne and the Toronto Blessing
- Would Maria Woodworth-Etter have approved of the Toronto Blessing?
- Toronto Deception: A Testimony about deceiving spirits
Word of Faith Teachings
- Plagiarism, Kenyon and the Word-of-Faith Movement
- Atonement Where? A comprehensive Study of the Word of Faith Movement, by Moreno Dal Ballo (Four Parts)
- My Word of Faith Testimony by Tricia Tillin - The ORIGINAL!!! now updated
- What do the Word-of-Faith or Prosperity Movement Leaders Teach? Genuine Quotes
- Ten Reasons to Reject Word of Faith Teachings - the Original!!
- "Wells Without Water" by Tricia Tillin - The Word of Faith Teachings Fully Exaqmined (Six Parts)
- The False Teachings of the Word of Faith Movement, by Jim L. Smith, Georgia (PDF)